Thursday, January 22, 2009

Everyone Has Family

We all have a mother and a father. Many of us have brothers and sisters and other relatives. That doesn’t mean that they are still alive or around or have anything to do with us. But we all have family.

I am blessed with good family. My family is one of the most important things in the world to me. They have determined much of who I am. They have helped me, encouraged me and been there for me my entire life. They have given me much joy and happiness. They have loved me. I love them.

No family is perfect. In fact, we are all far from perfection. That is the thing about family. No matter what you do, you are still family. This is where you belong and to whom you belong. Acceptance, security and love is found in family.

If you can’t find this in your family first take a look at yourself. What have I done to my family? Is there anything I can do to make things better with me and my family? Sometimes even the smallest efforts on your part can go a long way in restoring family. On the otherhand, sometimes our best efforts don’t seem to do any good.

Whatever happens never quit loving family. Family is another blessing of better living!
Robert Dodson is the creator of Better Living blogs.

Seven Tips For Raising Kids

1. Remember kids are people, too.

2. Give them your undivided attention for at least a few minutes a day.

3. Tell them exactly what you expect of them.

4. Reward them when they do right.

5. Correct them when they do wrong.

6. Discipline them when they rebel.

7. Love them always.
Robert Dodson is the creator of Better Living blogs.

Married Love

It is unlike any other. Your spouse comes before anyone else on earth. Value married love.

Married love is trust. Without it your marriage will fail. Never lie to each other. Always be faithful to your marriage vows.

Married love is patience. It is essential for any two people who are together for life. I don’t care how compatible they may be.

Married love is commitment. When things get hard commitment looks for a way to make it work instead of a way out of the marriage. 50/50 marriages never last. It takes a 100% commitment on the part of both husband and wife.

Married love is sacrifice. Give yourself to each other. That’s what you promised when you got married. Now do it.

In the end, married love will make you a better person and your marriage a better marriage. Married love makes for better living!
Robert Dodson is the creator of Better Living blogs.